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Executive Coach

World-class independent
expert & author

Leading Independent Plastics & Environmental Expert

Get the facts from the leading independent scientist and keynote speaker on plastics & the environment – dispelling myths with hard evidence.

Dr. DeArmitt has been asked to educate governments around the World in order to avoid bad policy and enable them to create evidence-based solutions that are proven to work.

“The best work I have ever seen on plastics and the environment”

Dr. Patrick Moore – former President of Greenpeace

The Challenge

The importance of environmental protection is in the spotlight and companies are expected to make wise choices to safeguard our future. That’s a huge responsibility but also a huge pressure on those expected to deliver results. The field has grown so rapidly that it is almost impossible to keep up. Some sustainability executives are thrust into a new job without any training or support. Others are already sustainability experts, but from a different field, and not able to instantly answer tough questions on plastics and the environment.

No matter the reason, you are under pressure to become a guru. Of course, a year or two of on-the-job learning, and all would be well, but who has that luxury these days? The CEO, the Board and Investors want answers now. They need you to set the direction and any choices made now will have impact for years to come. Large investments might need to be made, and who will be left holding the can if things go awry? It won’t be them.

Unless you have time to read thousands of studies and books, the best plan is to get help from someone who has…

Boy Overwhelmed with Books to Read

The Solution

You need to become an expert overnight, and that might sound impossible, but it isn’t. With personal coaching, you can have the facts at your fingertips in no time. We start with a high-level overview, so that you can instantly see the facts on each topic and how the puzzle pieces fit together.

 Next, we will cover each topic more in-depth, so that the nuances become clear, and so that you will be able to speak on each topic with both confidence and authority. Not only that, but you will have materials to read and solid evidence so that directions and policy will not rest on your opinion alone, but on that peer-reviewed evidence.

You will be empowered to create policies that work, helping your company, the environment and your career too. While others make missteps, you can avoid them and the embarrassing policy reversals that often ensue. Furthermore, as competing companies are accused of greenwashing, your company will emerge unscathed for having implemented wise choices and acting as a responsible environmental steward.


You will receive clear information covering all aspects of plastics and the environment including materials use, waste, litter, ocean plastics, effect on marine life, degradation, microplastics and more. Particular attention will be paid to microplastics in light of the close scrutiny from the public, customers and other stakeholders.

Another key component is an information pack with key studies to support every issue with solid peer-reviewed evidence. You will have your own personal library instantly at your fingertips, to prove your point on each topic and it will be updated as new information comes to light.

What about presentation materials? You’re covered there too. You will receive a high quality edible Powerpoint slide deck to help you craft professional presentations of your own along with a walk-through of the content to maximize impact. You will be armed with unique and powerful tools to make your work easier and more effective.

You will also receive a framed and signed certificate to verify your mastery of the topic and 10 complimentary signed hardcover copies of The Plastics Paradox book.

If you need an external keynote talk to get instant buy-in and align your whole company, then a supplied coupon code will provide a substantial discount.


In-depth coaching on plastic materials use, waste, litter, ocean plastics, effects on marine life, degradation, microplastics, additives, BPA, phthalates and more!


Information package with key peer-reviewed studies to support you in your work


Presentation materials including high-quality editable Powerpoint slide deck


One year of included telephone support


Framed certificate of completion


Ten signed hardcover copies of The Plastics Paradox book

Let’s Get Started!

Do you dream of being the best in your field? Of delivering world-class results in your first month? Of helping to create a better future for your company, the planet and your career? Then make that call and get started! We can schedule an in-person or virtual event, whichever suits you best.

Woman in White Pointing

Become an expert overnight!

Have all the science at your fingertips

Impress colleagues and stakeholders

Make wise policies that really work

Dr. Chris DeArmitt Keynote ABINAM São Paulo Brazil 2024

Ready to Make a Booking with Dr. DeArmitt?

“I have read Chris’ work thoroughly, it is a fantastic source of data and information to reference. It is written in a very direct style, stating the facts and science behind materials (comparing to plastic application) and highlights key points to consider when making material choices. The book manages to dispel myths about plastic and explain in an easy to understand way, clearly portraying the information. As a Packaging Technologist, the information is great for consideration against other factors when choosing the right material for the application.”

Dan Coppins – Packaging Technologist & Quality Manager

“Chris is a passionate, no-nonense and motivating speaker. Not afraid to stick his head above the parapet and challenge established mantras with incisive, fact-based evidence, Chris naturally engages audiences and interviewers alike. Never short of a witty quip, Chris opens people’s eyes and dares them to think differently…”

Tony Harrison

“Chris DeArmitt is the leading voice for todays febrile discussion about our use of plastics in society. When all around us is a sea of misinformation on plastics, Chris will explain, in his engaging style and the most straightforward of terms, the real facts and science behind this topic of our age.
Chris knows his brief like ……”

Fergus Hardie

“Chris is a passionate and experienced author/speaker on plastics materials, with a determination to provide solid evidence for all of his findings. He is extremely personable and has an ability to get truly inside the topic he is working on, debunking myths through sound science. He is engaging and knowledgeable.”