Marlex Mesh Expert Witness
Marlex Mesh Expert Witness for Plaintiffs Regarding Polypropylene Material

A prominent lawyer, Steve Mostyn, needed a plastic materials expert to help with nationwide class action lawsuits regarding implanted polypropylene mesh made from Marlex® HGX-030-01 polypropylene. He wanted a Marlex mesh expert witness for the plaintiffs who could help him understand the technical aspects of the case and help present the information clearly to the judge and jury.
In particular, he wanted someone who made a living as a top plastic materials scientist, not as an expert witness because career expert witnesses can lack credibility.
I was recommended as someone with deep experience and the ability to explain technical concepts in layperson’s terms because of my decades providing professional training. I was then engaged under retainer to dig into the details of the case and establish the facts.
I immediately began reading all the documents provided and finding hundreds more scientific and other supporting publications to shed light on the topic. By identifying and reading the articles and opposing expert reports, I was able to determine with a high degree of certainty that the science strongly supported the plaintiff’s case. Steve Mostyn, the lawyer, was incredulous at the hundreds of pertinent scientific studies and other information I found and read to bolster our case.

I was lead expert co-ordinating work with other experts then authoring Marlex mesh expert witness reports and then I was deposed. I was not only able to establish the cause of the problems but also to refute the arguments of the defendant’s experts. We showed that they used incorrect methods, cited inapplicable sources, made highly suspect claims and contradicted themselves.
By presenting overwhelming evidence we were able to achieve a positive outcome helping thousands of people to get settlements from both defendants – Bard and Boston Scientific.
This led to appearances on CBS 60 Minutes with Scott Pelley, the BBC and Sky News and testifying in a UK investigation into the safety of mesh. Other expert witness class-action work on CERCLA landfill and medical implants followed. Call if you want an expert for the plaintiffs on vaginal or hernia mesh.
Steve Mostyn was someone I came to admire and respect as a passionate crusader for truth and justice. He was one of those special people who makes the world a better place and will be missed by all those who knew him well.
If you have mesh implanted and need help then please contact the relevant medical and legal professionals. My role is to support lawyers in class-action lawsuits. There is nothing I can do to help individuals as I am neither a medical doctor nor a lawyer, so please, no phone calls.
Marlex® is a tradename of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC – learn more about Marlex plastics on here.
Dr. Chris DeArmitt FIMMM, FRSC, CChem is one of the most highly qualified and experienced plastic materials experts in the world. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Chartered Chemist.
His career spans over three decades including work for a plastics manufacturer, plastics additives suppliers, mineral fillers for plastics, antioxidants / stabilization of plastics and more. An extensive list of Presentations, Publications & Patents can be seen here.
A detailed list of skills, accomplishments and endorsements can be found on LinkedIn.